Thursday, October 21, 2010

10-21-10 article 2

 For this i read and article on Landscapes It was called "Special Techniques". It was pretty interesting. The first thing he talks about in it is how to shoot a black and white. He did a good job of explaing when it is appropriate to shoot black and white, and also the pros and cons of shooting with your camera on black and white or just going in later with software and making it black and white.

 The next thing he went into was HDR photos. I really like taking HDR pictures and he had some good adivce to give on that. the advice includded when it was appropriot to take an HDR, the pros and cons, how to set your camera up for it, what software to use, and how much of a differecne in F-stops you should use. I have been using mostly  1 stop, but he recommend experiment with 1.5-2 stops.

He then went into to talking about panoramics and  how to stitch the pictures together. Setting up the panoramic was interesting too. he talk about how you need to keep the interest up in the people who are looking at it. You do this by not having dead space and keep interesting things in it from one side to another.

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