Thursday, September 2, 2010

#2 weekly blog

This week I decided to blog about Shaun Lunt. Shaun Lunt was a doctor/pilot/photographer. Most of his pictures were taken up in Alaska where he spent a lot of time exploring. Shaun Lunt would go on long trips in his super cub exploring the back country of Alaska, it is what he loved to do. Looking at the pictures Shaun took is a little eerie, because Shaun died in a plane crash back in 2008. He was circling a whale vertebrae when he stalled and went into a spin. a lot of his pictures were taken right before he was killed. Shaun's pictures are mostly landscapes of the beautiful Alaskan wilderness, he also has a lot of pictures of aircraft. He was very good at documenting his journey through photography. By looking at his online journal you can really get a feel for what he experienced on his trips.
                 I would not mind getting better at taking the kind of photos Shaun took. Since I am also a pilot I am hoping to have some of the same opportunity's Shaun had. I would really enjoy having enough money to be able to afford to leave work for a couple months and do what he did (minus the dieing part).

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