Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First attempt lightning shots

This week I am blogging about my first attempts at taking pictures of lightning, This tuesday we had a pretty big lightning storm roll through the magic city. I was out on a run when it started so I hurried back to my room so I could grab my car and head up to the rims. By the time I had arrived at the spot I would be shooting at, the storm had really picked up and was starting to get really intense. I quickly set my camera up on my tripod and started shooting. It was really windy and rainy outside so I had to take that into consideration while taking the pictures. I used the bulb mode on my camera and counted down for five seconds, any longer then that then the wind would start really messing with the clearness of my shot. I left my aperature at about F8, and I tried my best to sheild my camera from the wind and rain. I luckly enough had a plastic grocery bag siting in my car that I was able to hold over my camera.
             I ended up taking about 150 shots, i would hold my shutter open until I saw some lighting or until five seconds was up, then i would quickly start taking my next picture. This method worked well but did take a lot of time. I was fortunate that the storm was big and had a lot of strikes. I wanted to stick around and take some more pictures but unfortunately I was unable to. The storm was west of me then got blown east right over the top of me. I took off running when the tree right next to me got hit by the lighting. It felt like someone shot a 308 rifle in my ear. I felt really awkward running through a lightning storm soaking wet, and with a metal tripod in my hand.

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